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Navigation Card

Header card for showing an title and back button at the top.

Default No background
Header Preview Header Preview Header Preview Header Preview

Thanks for the basic desing from @dmatik Source

  • Basic Card form @dmatik
  • Add aditional button to the right
  • Theme intergration
  • Option to remove background
  • better variables
  • more customization options in the future


The options button always navigates to the Setting's of HomeAssistant.

Variable Default Required Notes
header_title no Text show in the center of the bar
header_navigate_path no Path of the left button
header_back_button true no Visability of the left button
header_options_button true no Visability of the right button
header_background true no When false removes the background


yaml - type: 'custom:button-card' template: tcc_header variables: card_header_title: "Home" card_header_back_button: false