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Room Card

An other alternative Room card desing

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  • Basic Card
  • Theme intergration
  • Option to change background color
  • Better Theme intergration / static colors
  • Translations
  • more customization options


Variable Default Required Notes
room_path yes Path to an other view
room_name yes Room name
room_icon mdi:alert-box no Info icon
room_color no Custom background color *
room_info true no Temperture sensor or other sensor
room_info_stuffix °C no Stuffix to be added after the info
room_lights no Sensor whit light on count **


yaml - type: custom:button-card template: tcc_room variables: room_path: "kitchen" room_name: "Kitchen" room_icon: "mdi:fridge-outline" room_color: "red" room_info: "sensor.temperature_18" room_info_stuffix: "°C" room_lights: "sensor.kitchen_lights_on"


The default color is Gray you can use the folow colors that work in light and dark mode: - gray - red - green - yello - blue - violet


This configuration needs an custom sensor being created in your config